Graphics :: Sprites
Here you will find scripts for drawing sprites in various ways.
- draw_sprite_flip_ext(sprite,subimg,x,y,xscale,yscale,rot,color,alpha,fliph,flipv)
- Draws a sprite in the same manner as draw_sprite_ext() and can also flip the sprite horizontally and/or vertically.
- draw_sprite_halfpixel(sprite, subimg, x, y, xscale, yscale, rot, color, alpha)
- Draws a sprite transformed about the center of its origin pixel instead of the top-left corner.
- draw_sprite_inverted(sprite,subimage,x,y)
- Draws a sprite with inverted colors.
- draw_sprite_inverted_ext(sprite,subimage,x,y,xscale,yscale,rot,color,alpha)
- Draws a sprite with inverted colors.
- draw_sprite_percent(sprite,percent,x,y,restrict)
- Draws a sprite using a percentage to select a subimage to draw, the first subimage at 0% and the last subimage at 100%.
- draw_sprite_rectangle(sprite,subimg,x1,y1,x2,y2,left,top,right,bottom)
- Draws a rectangle using a sprite sliced into 9 sections.
- draw_sprite_shear(sprite,subimg,x,y,xshear,yshear)
- Draws a given sprite sheared by a given amount.
- draw_sprite_stretched_direction(sprite,subimg,x,y,scale,dir)
- Draws a sprite scaled along an arbitrary axis.
- draw_sprite_tiled_area(sprite,subimg,x,y,x1,y2,x2,y2)
- Draws a repeated sprite image, tiled to fill a given region and with a given offset.
- draw_sprite_tiled_area_ext(sprite,subimg,x,y,x1,y2,x2,y2,color,alpha)
- Draws a repeated sprite image, tiled to fill a given region and with a given offset.
- draw_sprite_wave(sprite,subimg,x,y,axis,wavelength,amplitude,phase)
- Draws a sprite with wave-like distortion.
- draw_sprite_wave_ext(sprite,subimg,x,y,axis,wavelength,amplitude,phase,xscale,yscale,color,alpha)
- Draws a sprite with wave-like distortion.
- motion_blur(length,direction)
- Draws the assigned sprite of the calling instance, using its subimage, position, scaling, rotation, and blending settings, with a motion blur effect applied to it.