Converts a decimal value to a string of hexadecimal digits.
hex = dec_to_hex(123); // hex == "7B"
hex = dec_to_hex(456); // hex == "1C8"
hex = dec_to_hex(789, 4); // hex == "0315"
hex = dec_to_hex(-43, 4); // hex == "FFD5"
- dec_to_hex(dec, len)
- Returns a given value as a string of hexadecimal digits.
COPY/// @func dec_to_hex(dec, len)
/// @desc Returns a given value as a string of hexadecimal digits.
/// Hexadecimal strings can be padded to a minimum length.
/// Note: If the given value is negative, it will
/// be converted using its two's complement form.
/// @param {real} dec integer
/// @param {real} [len=1] minimum number of digits
/// @return {string} hexadecimal digits
function dec_to_hex(dec, len = 1)
var hex = "";
if (dec < 0) {
len = max(len, ceil(logn(16, 2 * abs(dec))));
var dig = "0123456789ABCDEF";
while (len-- || dec) {
hex = string_char_at(dig, (dec & $F) + 1) + hex;
dec = dec >> 4;
return hex;
Contributors: xot
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