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is_clockwise(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
Returns true if the given points are in clockwise order.
COPY/// @func   is_clockwise(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
/// @desc   Returns true if the given points are in clockwise order.
/// @param  {real}      x1          x coordinate of 1st point
/// @param  {real}      y1          y coordinate of 1st point
/// @param  {real}      x2          x coordinate of 2nd point
/// @param  {real}      y2          y coordinate of 2nd point
/// @param  {real}      x3          x coordinate of 3rd point
/// @param  {real}      y3          y coordinate of 3rd point
/// @return {boolean}   true if the points are clockwise
/// Note: This function inverts the Y-axis, the normal
/// orientation of GameMaker Studio's default 2D mode.

function is_clockwise(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) 
    return (x2-x1) * (y3-y1) + (y1-y2) * (x3-x1) > 0;    

Contributors: xot

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