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roll_dice(num, sides)
Returns the sum of a number of die rolls using dice with a given number of sides.
COPY/// @func   roll_dice(num, sides)
/// @desc   Returns the sum of a number of die rolls using dice with a given
///         number of sides. For example, roll_dice(3, 6) will produce a range
///         of values from 3 to 18 with an average value of 10.5.
/// @param  {real}      num         number of dice to roll
/// @param  {real}      sides       number of sides on each die
/// @return {real}      sum of dice rolls

function roll_dice(num, sides)
    var sum = 0;
    repeat (num) sum += floor(random(sides))+1;
    return sum;

Contributors: xot

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