Returns the index of an argument matching a given value.
// Check the last keyboard character
value = keyboard_lastchar;
// Match the character to an index.
// eg. "A" matches the first choice, index 0,
// "B" matches the next one, index 1, etc...
index = select_index(value, "A", "B", "G", "O");
// Use the index to select a choice.
// eg. "B" was pressed, index 1, which selects "Banana"
choice = select(index, "Apple", "Banana", "Grapes", "Orange");
show_message("You selected: " + choice);
In the above example, an item is selected based on the last keyboard key pressed.
- select_index(value, choice0, choice1, choice2, ...)
- Returns the index of an argument matching a given value.
COPY/// @func select_index(value, choice0, choice1, choice2, ...)
/// @desc Returns the index of an argument matching a given value.
/// If value matches the first choice, 0 is returned.
/// if value isn't among the choices, undefined is returned.
/// eg. select_index("two", "zero", "one", "two", "three") == 2
/// @param {any*} value value to find
/// @param {any*} choiceN values to search
/// @return {real} index of selected choice
function select_index()
var value = argument[0];
var choices = ds_list_create();
var result = undefined;
for (var i = 1; i < argument_count; i++) ds_list_add(choices, argument[i]);
i = ds_list_find_index(choices, value);
if (i >= 0) result = i;
return result;
Contributors: xot
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