Returns a given string as expressed by the NATO phonetic alphabet. Phonetic words will be separarted by spaces. Non-alphanumeric characters are removed.
text = "Test: 1-2-3.";
nato = string_nato(text); // "Tango Echo Sierra Tango One Two Three"
- string_nato(text)
- Returns a given string as expressed by the NATO phonetic alphabet.
COPY/// @func string_nato(text)
/// @desc Returns a given string as expressed by the NATO phonetic alphabet.
/// Phonetic words will be separarted by spaces. Non-alphanumeric
/// characters are removed.
/// @param {string} text text to transcribe
/// @return {string} transcribed text
function string_nato(text)
var str = string_upper(text);
var len = string_length(str);
var out = "";
var nato = ds_map_create();
nato[? "A"] = "Alfa"; nato[? "B"] = "Bravo"; nato[? "C"] = "Charlie";
nato[? "D"] = "Delta"; nato[? "E"] = "Echo"; nato[? "F"] = "Foxtrot";
nato[? "G"] = "Golf"; nato[? "H"] = "Hotel"; nato[? "I"] = "India";
nato[? "J"] = "Juliett"; nato[? "K"] = "Kilo"; nato[? "L"] = "Lima";
nato[? "M"] = "Mike"; nato[? "N"] = "November"; nato[? "O"] = "Oscar";
nato[? "P"] = "Papa"; nato[? "Q"] = "Quebec"; nato[? "R"] = "Romeo";
nato[? "S"] = "Sierra"; nato[? "T"] = "Tango"; nato[? "U"] = "Uniform";
nato[? "V"] = "Victor"; nato[? "W"] = "Whiskey"; nato[? "X"] = "X-ray";
nato[? "Y"] = "Yankee"; nato[? "Z"] = "Zulu"; nato[? "0"] = "Zero";
nato[? "1"] = "One"; nato[? "2"] = "Two"; nato[? "3"] = "Three";
nato[? "4"] = "Four"; nato[? "5"] = "Five"; nato[? "6"] = "Six";
nato[? "7"] = "Seven"; nato[? "8"] = "Eight"; nato[? "9"] = "Niner";
var s = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
var c = string_char_at(str , i);
if (!ds_map_exists(nato, c)) {
out += s + nato[? c];
s = " ";
return out;
Contributors: xot
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