
WARNING: This script is obsolete! GameMaker now has a function with the same name that works similarly to this script and has more features. This script has been removed from the index and only appears here for historical purposes.

NOTE: Don't forget to destroy the returned list when you are done with it, otherwise you'll have a memory leak.

Returns a list data structure populated with the ids of instances colliding with a given circle, or noone if no instances found.
COPY/// collision_circle_list(x1,y1,radius,obj,prec,notme)
//  Returns a list data structure populated with the ids of instances 
//  colliding with a given circle, or noone if no instances found.
//      x1,y1       center of the collision circle (filled), real
//      radius      radius of the collision circle (filled), real
//      obj         object to check for collision (or all), real
//      prec        true for precise collision checking, bool
//      notme       true to ignore the calling instance, bool
    var x1,y1,radius,obj,prec,notme,dsid,i;
    x1 = argument0;
    y1 = argument1;
    radius = argument2;
    obj = argument3;
    prec = argument4;
    notme = argument5;
    dsid = ds_list_create();
    with (obj) {
        if (!notme || id != {
            i = collision_circle(x1,y1,radius,id,prec,false);
            if (i != noone) ds_list_add(dsid,i);
    if (ds_list_empty(dsid)) {
        dsid = noone;
    return dsid;

Contributors: xot

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