
The mission of is to provide the highest quality GameMaker scripts available. These GML scripts are completely free for use in your GameMaker projects. Credit is never required but is always appreciated.

This is a collaboration. Every script on this website has been provided by a GameMaker user just like you. If you have a useful script, or have improved an existing one, please consider submitting it.

February 2, 3.8 Transition (part 3)

/news/images/blogicon-20250202.png This update marks the addition of a new client-side search engine. The search page is accessible from the site's global navigation, currently at the top of every page. Simply type your query and see the search results instantly. The search corpus is composed of script pages. Search results may be improved with the addition of tags. Implicit tags are already being used but it is possible tags will be explicitly added to script pages to improve results.

Returning to the site is the reporting of recent script changes. A list of script changes is included on the landing page and decorators are now added to script definitions wherever they appear on the site.

Improvements have been made to news navigation but more work is required. The two major changes needed are the pagination of the news index and the creation of news summaries. These will require some thought.

Minor visual changes and optimizations have been made that are probably not noticeable. Further optimizations are anticipated and a full visual overhaul is on the horizon.

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