January 14, 3.7 Transition (part 2)

/news/images/blogicon-20250114.png Work behind the scenes continues. The site is now statically generated by an entirely new fully offline system I've written in Python. This is my first major Python project which has been quite a learning experience. Much of the code is based on the old PHP dynamic page generator, but now the site is generated in only five seconds compared to the 15 minutes it took using wget to crawl a locally hosted dynamic version.

The new build process includes a templating engine that takes many cues from Jekyll to empower a simple news blog, which was a fun programming task. More work is needed to fully realize my needs. All material is now referenced from the same single sources, so all pages and repo files should stay in sync automatically. With any luck, there shouldn't be much visible difference from the previous version.

More obvious changes have been made to the script submission process. This includes a new contribution guide and updated style guide.

The next update should include a search engine, improved news navigation, and a return of the recent changes list and script decorators.
