Data Structures :: Grids

ds_grid_delete_column(grid, col)
Deletes from a grid the column at a given column index.
ds_grid_delete_row(grid, row)
Deletes from a grid the row at a given row index.
ds_grid_draw(grid, x, y)
Draws the data of a given grid at a screen location.
Returns a duplicate of the given grid.
ds_grid_filter_gaussian(grid, sigma)
Performs a Gaussian convolution on a given grid.
ds_grid_filter_gaussian_wrap(grid, sigma)
Performs a Gaussian convolution on a given grid, wrapping around the boundaries of the grid if needed.
ds_grid_flood_fill(grid, x, y, val)
Fills a bounded area within a grid with a given value.
ds_grid_get_bicubic(grid, x, y)
Returns the bicubic interpolation of the sixteen grid cells surrounding the given fractional coordinate.
ds_grid_get_bilinear(grid, x, y)
Returns the bilinear interpolation of the four grid cells surrounding a given fractional coordinate.
ds_grid_mirror(grid, horiz, vert)
Rearranges the elements of a given grid by mirroring horizontally and/or vertically.
ds_grid_swap_columns(grid, col1, col2)
Exchanges the contents of two entire grid columns.
ds_grid_swap_rows(grid, row1, row2)
Exchanges the contents of two entire grid rows.
ds_grid_translate(grid, horiz, vert)
Shifts the contents of a grid by a given number of rows and columns.