
Returns a string of raw bytes, 8 bits each.
COPY/// b64_to_bytes(b64)
//  Returns a string of raw bytes, 8 bits each. Base64 strings 
//  with characters outside of the RFC 3548 standard or excess
//  padding characters at the end will not decode correctly.
//      b64         base64 digits (RFC 3548), 6 bits each, string
    var b64, len, pad, tab, str, i, bin;
    b64 = argument0;
    len = string_length(b64);
    pad = "=";
    tab = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
    str = "";
    while (string_length(b64) mod 4) b64 += pad;
    for(i=0; i<len; i+=4) {
        bin[0] = string_pos(string_char_at(b64,i+1),tab)-1;
        bin[1] = string_pos(string_char_at(b64,i+2),tab)-1;
        bin[2] = string_pos(string_char_at(b64,i+3),tab)-1;
        bin[3] = string_pos(string_char_at(b64,i+4),tab)-1;
        str += chr(255&(bin[0]<<2)|(bin[1]>>4));
        if (bin[2] >= 0) str += chr(255&(bin[1]<<4)|(bin[2]>>2));
        if (bin[3] >= 0) str += chr(255&(bin[2]<<6)|(bin[3]));
    return str;

Contributors: xot

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