
Performs a cyclic redundancy check on a string.


A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is a type of function that takes as input a data stream of any length, and produces as output a value of a certain space, commonly a 32-bit integer. The term CRC is often used to denote either the function or the function's output. A CRC can be used as a checksum to detect alteration of data during transmission or storage. CRCs are popular because they are simple to implement in binary hardware, are easy to analyze mathematically, and are particularly good at detecting common errors caused by noise in transmission channels. The CRC was invented by W. Wesley Peterson, and published in his 1961 paper.

crc16();                    //  initialize
text = "Hello World";
hash = crc16(text);         //  hash == 0x4D25
hash = crc16(text,true);    //  hash == 0xB126

NOTE: This uses the common 16-bit CRC16-CCITT algorithm (with two modes of operation) used in X.25, V.41, CDMA, Bluetooth, XMODEM, PPP, IrDA, BACnet, and other protocols.

NOTE: This script requires initialization to use. To ready the script for use it must first be called without any arguments. This only needs to be done once.

crc16(str [,mode])
Returns a CRC16-CCITT hash value for a given string.
COPY/// crc16(str [,mode])
//  Returns a CRC16-CCITT hash value for a given string.
//  This script requires initialization to use. To ready the 
//  script for use it must first be called without any arguments. 
//  This only needs to be done once.
//      str     data to hash with CRC16-CCITT, string
//      mode    set to TRUE for pedantic "good" mode, boolean (optional)
//  Notes:
//      For speed, this creates a lookup table in the form of a global array
//      called _CRC16tab[]. It features two modes of operation. The "bad" mode
//      is the common implementation found most places. The "good" mode is an
//      implementation that is closer to the actual CRC16-CCITT specification.
    if (argument_count == 0) {
        // Initialize lookup table.
        var tab;
        tab  = "00000041290825812387165162064524774289033303237161412904541949548536775780661935";
        tab += "04657005281291508786211731704429431253023768933560459474181854205500766246358334";
        tab += "09314133790105605121258302989517572216374234646411340883815358862629275060454669";
        tab += "13907098420564901584304232635822165181004693942874386813461663455593905519751132";
        tab += "18628227572675830887021120624110242143715166055789597906391935144392734327447403";
        tab += "23285191563141527286067690264014899107705631752188644476031839801356724793143802";
        tab += "27814318791968423749112981536303168072336084664911527165678144330483953620040265";
        tab += "32407283422427720212158911182607761036966543961374573095324448923448584079336728";
        tab += "37256331934551441451535164945361774577110422400161124820841920484164212874224679";
        tab += "33721377844197946042499815404458239623020068904752089471301016949210122520729270";
        tab += "46570424433831234185628305870354572504451353809411052800115329798256712154017413";
        tab += "42971470983471338840592316335850973551000993914066016810580826199303261794122068";
        tab += "55628515656375859695393683530547498434352259618533307262666306336022731446610403";
        tab += "52093561566022364286358333989643963480261906123124271913125402801068641093114994";
        tab += "64814606875668452557485544442740424362973178227655236521952515522113950739203265";
        tab += "61215653425308557212449554908236825409522818332310200532418011923160500379307920";
        for (var i=0; i<256; i++) {
            global._CRC16tab[i] = real(string_copy(tab, i*5+1, 5));
        return 0;

    var str,crc,len,pos,byte;
    str = argument[0];
    crc = $FFFF;
    if (argument_count == 2 && argument[1]) crc = $1D0F;
    len = string_length(str);
    pos = 1;
    repeat(len) {
        byte = ord(string_char_at(str, pos));
        crc = ((crc<<8)^global._CRC16tab[((crc>>8)^byte)&$FF])&$FFFF;
        pos += 1;
    return crc;

Contributors: xot

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