
Draws a rectangle using a sprite sliced into 9 sections. The 3x3 sections are used to draw the four corners, the four edges, and the center of the rectangle. The center and edge sections are stretched to fill the respective areas of the rectangle.

Draws a rectangle using a sprite sliced into 9 sections.
COPY/// draw_sprite_rectangle(sprite,subimg,x1,y1,x2,y2,left,top,right,bottom)
//  Draws a rectangle using a sprite sliced into 9 sections.
//  The 3x3 sections are used to draw the four corners, the
//  four edges, and the center of the rectangle. The center
//  and edge sections are stretched to fill the respective
//  areas of the rectangle.
//      sprite  sprite index
//      subimg  sprite subimage
//      x1,y1   top-left corner of rectangle
//      x2,y2   bottom-right corner of rectangle
//      left    left edge width in pixels
//      top     top edge width in pixels
//      right   right edge width in pixels
//      bottom  bottom edge width in pixels
    var spr = argument0,
        img = argument1,
        x1  = argument2,
        y1  = argument3,
        x2  = argument4,
        y2  = argument5,
        l   = argument6,
        t   = argument7,
        r   = argument8,
        b   = argument9;

    var x3 = x1 + l;
    var y3 = y1 + t;
    var x4 = x2 - r + 1;
    var y4 = y2 - b + 1;
    var x5 = sprite_get_width(spr) - r;
    var y5 = sprite_get_height(spr) - b;
    var w = x5 - l;
    var h = y5 - t;
    var xs = (x4 - x3) / w;
    var ys = (y4 - y3) / h;

    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, 0,  0,  l, t, x1, y1, 1.0, 1.0, c_white, 1.0);
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, l,  0,  w, t, x3, y1, xs,  1.0, c_white, 1.0);
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, x5, 0,  r, t, x4, y1, 1.0, 1.0, c_white, 1.0);
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, 0,  t,  l, h, x1, y3, 1.0, ys,  c_white, 1.0);
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, l,  t,  w, h, x3, y3, xs,  ys,  c_white, 1.0);
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, x5, t,  r, h, x4, y3, 1.0, ys,  c_white, 1.0);
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, 0,  y5, l, b, x1, y4, 1.0, 1.0, c_white, 1.0);
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, l,  y5, w, b, x3, y4, xs,  1.0, c_white, 1.0);
    draw_sprite_part_ext(spr, img, x5, y5, r, b, x4, y4, 1.0, 1.0, c_white, 1.0);

    return 0;

Contributors: xot

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