Returns the greatest common divisor of the given integers.
The number 54 can be expressed as a product of two integers in several different ways:
Thus the complete list of divisors of 54 is:
Similarly, the divisors of 24 are:
The numbers that these two lists have in common are the common divisors of 54 and 24, that is:
Of these, the greatest common divisor is 6.
- gcd(a,b)
- Returns the greatest common divisor of the given integers.
COPY/// @func gcd(a,b)
/// @desc Returns the greatest common divisor of the given integers.
/// @param {real} a positive integer
/// @param {real} b positive integer
/// @return {real} greatest common divisor
/// GMLscripts.com/license
function gcd(a, b)
while (b != 0) {
var r = a mod b;
a = b;
b = r;
return abs(a);
Contributors: xot
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