
GameMaker can already tell you the instance nearest to a point, but what about the 2nd nearest? Or the 3rd nearest? Or the nth nearest? This script answers that question.

Returns the id of the nth nearest instance of an object to a given point or noone if none is found.
COPY/// instance_nth_nearest(x,y,obj,n)
//  Returns the id of the nth nearest instance of an object
//  to a given point or noone if none is found.
//      x,y       point coordinates, real
//      obj       object index (or all), real
//      n         proximity, real
    var pointx,pointy,object,n,list,nearest;
    pointx = argument0;
    pointy = argument1;
    object = argument2;
    n = argument3;
    n = min(max(1,n),instance_number(object));
    list = ds_priority_create();
    nearest = noone;
    with (object) ds_priority_add(list,id,distance_to_point(pointx,pointy));
    repeat (n) nearest = ds_priority_delete_min(list);
    return nearest;

Contributors: xot

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