
Converts a string of octal digits to a decimal value.

dec = oct_to_dec("173");        //  dec == 123
dec = oct_to_dec("710");        //  dec == 456
dec = oct_to_dec("1425");       //  dec == 789
Returns an integer converted from an octal string.
COPY/// @func   oct_to_dec(oct)
/// @desc   Returns an integer converted from an octal string.
/// @param  {string}    oct         octal digits
/// @return {real}      positive integer

function oct_to_dec(oct) 
    var dec = 0;

    var dig = "01234567";
    var len = string_length(oct);
    for (var pos = 1; pos <= len; pos += 1) {
        dec = dec << 3 | (string_pos(string_char_at(oct, pos), dig) - 1);

    return dec;

Contributors: xot

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