Computation :: Strings

number_format(number, places, decimal, thousands)
Returns a number as a string with thousands and decimal markers.
Returns a random speakable password of a given length.
Returns given string with spaces inserted between each character.
string_extract(str, sep, index)
Returns the element at given index within a string of elements.
string_left(str, num)
Returns a number of characters from the start of a string.
string_limit(str, len, ext)
Returns a given string, truncated if it exceeds a certain length.
string_lpad(str, len, pad)
Returns a string padded on its left to a given length.
string_ltrim(str, trim)
Returns given string with whitespace stripped from its start.
Returns a given string as expressed by the NATO phonetic alphabet.
string_parse(str, token, ignore)
Returns a list of token-separated substrings from a given string.
string_parse_number(str, token, ignore)
Returns number of token-separated substrings from a given string.
string_parse_single(str, token, n, ignore)
Returns the nth token-separated substring from a given string.
string_random(str, count)
Returns a string of a given length composed of characters randomly selected from a given set.
string_remove_whitespace(str, sub)
Consolidates and removes all whitespace from a string, optionally replacing it with a character or string.
Returns a given string with the characters in reverse order.
string_right(str, num)
Returns a number of characters from the end of a string.
string_rpad(str, len, pad)
Returns a string padded on its right to a given length.
string_rpos(substr, str)
Returns the right-most position of a substring within a string.
string_rtrim(str, trim)
Returns given string with whitespace stripped from its end.
Returns a given string with charactars shuffled.
string_split(str, len, brk)
Returns a string with break characters inserted at a given interval.
string_stagger_case(str, spaces, first)
Returns a string with the letters in staggered case, such as: "hElLo! hOw ArE yOu ToDaY?"
string_trim(str, trim)
Returns given string with whitespace stripped from its start and end.
Returns a string with the first character capitalized.
Returns a string with each word capitalized.
string_wordwrap(str, len, brk, cut)
Returns a string with break characters inserted between words at a given character interval.