
Returns a number of characters from the end of a string. If the number of characters given is negative, the string will be shortened by that amount.

right = string_right("Hello World", 4);   //  right == "orld"
right = string_right("Hello World", -4);  //  right == "o World"
string_right(str, num)
Returns a number of characters from the end of a string.
COPY/// @func   string_right(str, num)
/// @desc   Returns a number of characters from the end of a string.
///         If the number of characters given is negative,
///         the string will be shortened by that amount.
/// @param  {string}    str         string of text
/// @param  {real}      num         number of characters
/// @return {string}    shortened string

function string_right(str, num)
    if (num < 0) {
        return string_copy(str, 1 - num, string_length(str) + num);
    } else {
        return string_copy(str, 1 + string_length(str) - num, num);

Contributors: xot

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