
Returns a string of a given length composed of characters randomly selected from a given set. If the set is empty, the set of all printable ASCII characters will be used.

NOTE: This differs from the legacy version which could select from 256 possible characters. GameMaker's current null-terminated string handling would cause it to fail if character 0 was selected. The new default behavior using printable ASCII is probably more useful. If you need to produce random byte values, a buffer should be used.

string_random(str, count)
Returns a string of a given length composed of characters randomly selected from a given set.
COPY/// @func   string_random(str, count)
/// @desc   Returns a string of a given length composed of characters 
///         randomly selected from a given set. If the set is empty, 
///         the set of all printable ASCII characters will be used.
/// @param  {string}    str         set of characters, optional
/// @param  {real}      count       number of characters to return
/// @return {string}    random string

function string_random(str, count)
    var out = "";
    var len = string_length(str);
    if (len > 0) {
        repeat (count) {
            out += string_char_at(str, floor(random(len)) + 1);
    } else {
        repeat (count) {
            out += chr(floor(random(95)) + 32);
    return out;

Contributors: xot

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